Our Pastor

Pastor Malcolm Carr III

Pastor Mac Carr is excited to be ministering with the Hawaii Kai United Church of Christ. He was born and raised in northern New England and graduated from Messiah College with a degree in English Literature and a minor in World Religions. He attended Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, where he received his Master of Divinity in with a concentration in Theology and was ordained into the United Church of Christ in 2010.  

Pastor Mac has served as pastor, teacher, missionary, youth pastor, hospital chaplain/counselor, and hospice chaplain on the mainland, the islands, and in Asia.  He, along with his wife and daughters, is happy to be back in the islands and a part of this community.

Contact Pastor Mac: pastormalcolmcarr@hawaiikaiucc.org 



Banner photo of Hawai'i Kai by Pastor Mac Carr, used by permission